ANR Repository Special Libraries

Sep 20, 2010

Hello Dear Readers!

Today I want to talk a tiny bit about the ANR Repository.  Specifically, I want to mention the Special Library feature.

The Repository is home to 'a lot of digital stuff.'  This stuff consists of photos, videos, PDF documents, PowerPoint presentations, etc.  Anything you want to archive and/or make available to colleagues can go into the Repository.  In fact, we have over 49,000 pieces of stuff in the Repository already.

So- what if you want a place to put your stuff...but you want to keep all your stuff together?  What if you don't want your clients to need to sift through other people's stuff (which obviously isn't as good as yours)? 

We've got Special Libraries. It is a way to keep your stuff away from everyone else's stuff.

Special Libraries:

  • Can be connected to a unit
  • Can have their own 'branding'
  • The content is still part of the main Repository, but it also exists on its own
  • Can be searched independently

Basically, it's a good deal for you. 

Take a look at this Special Library, which is being used by UCD University Extension-

University Extension Library

Look at that- professional shots of beer and wine.  Not a single infested fruit picture in the bunch!  Just they way they like it!

We've got a little more than a dozen Special Libraries right now in varying degrees of usage.  Take a look at what we have:

Also- we can create 'super-secret' libraries.  These are libraries that no-one else can see...!  We can create a library which only you, and your colleagues will be able to see.  The stuff won't be visible to anyone else. 

So think about this- do you have a large number of digital assets (stuff) that you want to have in a searchable archive format?  If so- then you want the ANR Repository.  Give me a call and I'll talk to you about setting it up.

Also of note- we have a digital librarian!  Evett Kilmartin is responsible for putting a lot of this stuff into the Repository.  I wanted to take Evett's picture, but she had already gone home.  If Evett were at work, this is where she would be sitting:

evett sit

Lastly-here's a sheet of slides...just for fun.  Imagine doing a keyword search through 49,000 slides, looking for 'sparkling pear wine.'  Not really feasible.


My grandpa worked with slides...

By Karl Krist
Author - IT Director - Foundation Plant Services